In-home care can improve safety
Like many caregivers, you might need regular help to care for your older adult at home. To prevent accidents or falls, they may need help or supervision during the day while you’re at work. Or your senior might be taller and heavier than is safe for you to support during bathing or moving from one place to another.
Hiring an in-home caregiver could be the right solution to keep both you and your older adult safe and healthy.
3 types of in-home care
Seniors•At•Home created a one page handout explaining the differences between three types of in-home care workers. Here’s a summary of key differences.
1. Traditional Home Care Agency
Workers are verified, employed, and paid by the Agency.
You pay the Agency after getting an itemized statement for services, based on agreed hours and rates.
The Agency is responsible for employee taxes, bond, and insurance.
If the worker is sick, the Agency coordinates replacements.
If you have a problem, the Agency manager will help you handle it.
2. Privately Hired Worker
Workers are employed and paid by you, usually by cash or check.
Rates are negotiated between you and the worker and can be lower than Agency rates.
You’re responsible for checking the worker’s references and/or background.
Depending on your arrangement, you may be responsible for state, federal or social security taxes.
You, or the homeowner, may be responsible for insurance or Worker’s Compensation.
3. Referral Agency
Has elements of both the Home Care Agency and Privately Hired Worker.
You pay the worker directly.
Rates are negotiated between you and the worker.
You pay a referral fee to the Referral Agency.
Some Referral Agencies verify their workers.
In some arrangements, you may be responsible for taxes, insurance or Worker’s Compensation.
The Referral Agency may be able to arrange a substitute worker, if needed.
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Seniors At Home helps older adults live independently and provides peace of mind to their families. We partner with you to solve problems, enhance quality of life, and provide a safe and supportive living environment. Our comprehensive services include non-medical home care, geriatric care management, palliative care, dementia care center, fiduciary services, and more. For more information, please contact our intake department at 415-449-3777 or by email at info@seniorsathome.org
By DailyCaring Editorial Staff Image: Seniors•At•Home