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Ormond Manor

7 Holiday Activities to Spark Purpose and Joy in Older Adults

Too often as we age, our world gets smaller due to mobility challenges, health issues, or cognitive decline.

Activities that focus on enhancing quality of life can reconnect older adults to what brings them purpose, joy, and meaning in life. 

Holistic quality of life refers to the 7 Domains of Wellness: Physical, Spiritual, Intellectual, Creative, Vocational, Emotional, and Environmental. 

Using these domains, the eldercare and therapeutic activity specialists at The Hummingbird Project created this list of seven simple ideas for engaging an older adult in your life this holiday season.

Creative, arts-based activities help older adults have better quality of life and more easily maintain independence

1. Creative Wellness: Enjoy an art project

Arts-based activities help older adults have better quality of life and more easily maintain independence.

Plus, creative expression is one of the best ways to engage older adults at all levels of physical or cognitive ability.

Painting with brushes or marbles, coloring in a beautiful large print coloring book for adults, or decorating homemade holiday cards are wonderful hands-on activities.

The Hummingbird Project’s Creativity Holiday Joy Box is specially designed to encourage creative expression in older adults.

Spiritual quality of life is fostered by the things that bring us deeper meaning and a sense of purpose

2. Spiritual Wellness: Celebrate with holiday rituals

Spiritual quality of life is fostered by the things that bring us deeper meaning and a sense of purpose – including a religious or faith-based practice, beloved rituals, or community service.

Honor holiday traditions by cooking a favorite family recipe together, creating a festive holiday table arrangement, or sipping a warm mug of cider or tea while reminiscing about cherished holiday memories.

Participate in community service activities like donating to a food or warm clothing drive or making blankets or hats for those in need.

Environmental quality of life focuses on creating an inviting and comfortable space so your loved one can feel more relaxed, secure, and at home

3. Environmental Wellness: Create a cozy environment

Environmental quality of life focuses on creating an inviting and comfortable space so your loved one can feel more relaxed, secure, and at home, no matter where they live.

The Hummingbird Project’s Comfort and Joy Box is a great gift that will help your loved one or client get extra cozy this holiday season.

This beautiful holiday gift set includes comforting items selected by eldercare specialists. 

Vocational quality of life addresses the need to be a productive member of society and a valued member of a family

4. Vocational Wellness: Make a homemade holiday gift

Vocational quality of life addresses the need to be a productive member of society and a valued member of a family.

Activities that give a sense of purpose and allow us to share with family and friends are a great place to start.

This holiday season, try making ornaments from bird seeds. It’s slightly messy, tactile fun – and the finished ornaments make a heartfelt gift. Get simple directions here.

Intellectual stimulation helps preserve cognitive function and encourages deeper engagement in older adults

5. Intellectual Wellness: Begin a legacy project

Intellectual stimulation helps preserve cognitive function and encourages deeper engagement in older adults.

A meaningful exercise that promotes intellectual quality of life is writing down and sharing one’s life stories and legacy.

Help your loved one get started with The Hummingbird Project’s Legacies & Legends Holiday Joy Box.

This unique gift set includes everything they need to write down and share their memories and life lessons, including a do-it-yourself autobiography book with questions to guide their walk down memory lane. 

Activities that promote emotional wellness are perhaps the best antidote to the loneliness and sense of isolation felt by many older adults

6. Emotional Wellness: Practice acts of kindness

Emotional quality of life is centered on our need for social support and connection to others. 

Activities that promote emotional wellness are perhaps the best antidote to the loneliness and sense of isolation felt by many older adults.

One simple but effective way to build emotional wellness is by practicing acts of kindness.

Acts of Kindness can include talking a walk together with a handful of quarters to feed parking meters or writing “Post It” thank you notes and putting them in places people aren’t used to being thanked, such as on the mailbox for the postal carrier or, if living in a care community, on the door of the staff room.

Physical activity is good for our bodies and can also improve mood and help preserve high-level brain functioning in older adults

7. Physical wellness: enjoy nature and animals

Physical activity is good for our bodies, of course, but it can also improve mood and help preserve high-level brain functioning in older adults – including planning and remembering. 

There’s nothing quite like taking a walk in the fresh air and sunshine when the weather allows (even a short one) to promote feelings of calm and positivity.

Another fun idea is to visit your local dog park to enjoy the outdoors and appreciate the therapeutic value and exuberance of dogs.

Activities for older adults that focus on enhancing quality of life can reconnect them to what brings them purpose, joy, and meaning in life

Give the gift of joy this holiday season!

As you explore these tips to spark joy in your loved one, consider making them feel truly unforgettable during the holidays with The Hummingbird Project’s Holiday Joy Boxes.

These lovely gift sets are specially curated by eldercare and therapeutic activity specialists. You’ll be giving the gift of meaning, engagement, and purpose all the year through.

​​Don’t wait! Sunday, December 11th, is the last day to order​ for holiday delivery.

About The Hummingbird Project: We believe that quality of life is just as important as quality of care–and in truly living at every age and every stage of our lives. To learn more about how we help family members, caregivers, and older adults engage curiosity, foster personal expression, and reignite a passion for lifelong learning, visit us here.

This article is sponsored by The Hummingbird Project. For more information, see How We Make Money.


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