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8 Treatable Diseases That Mimic Dementia

diseases that mimic dementia

Cognitive issues aren’t always caused by Alzheimer’s or dementia

If your older adult has been experiencing cognitive challenges or acting strangely, it’s natural to think that Alzheimer’s disease or dementia might be the cause. After all, we hear so much about it in the news.

But it’s important to not jump to the conclusion that it’s a non-treatable condition like dementia because there are many treatable diseases that mimic dementia.

That’s why it’s essential to visit a doctor as soon as you realize there’s a problem. There could be something relatively simple going on that they can treat.

We share 8 common health conditions that can cause worrisome changes in thinking or behavior and explain why they might cause these problems.

Knowing about these conditions helps you advocate with the doctor so your older adult can get the proper diagnosis and treatment.


8 common diseases that mimic dementia

1. Thyroid disease The thyroid makes hormones that keep every system in the body running smoothly.

Thyroid disease usually develops slowly, which is why symptoms might be mistaken for normal aging.

But too little or too much thyroid hormone could cause dementia-like symptoms. A primary care doctor or an endocrinologist can use a simple blood test to measure thyroid levels.

Thyroid problems can usually be treated with medications, but sometimes require surgery.

2. Diabetes According to the American Diabetes Association, 25% of Americans over age 60 have diabetes.

If your older adult has undiagnosed diabetes, it could be causing their memory problems, confusion, irritability, or lack of concentration.

That happens because the body needs a certain amount of glucose (sugar) to keep blood vessels functioning properly.

Too much or too little glucose damages blood vessels in the brain and causes dementia-like symptoms.

Catching this problem early and getting proper treatment is essential for reversing the symptoms. Ask your older adult’s doctor to test for diabetes.

3. Alcohol abuse Over time, heavy drinking destroys brain cells in areas that are critical for  memory, thinking, decision-making, and balance.

It could also lead to an unhealthy diet that doesn’t include essential vitamins like B-1 – a severe deficiency in B-1 can cause confusion, memory loss, hostility, and agitation.

Sometimes the effects of long-term alcohol abuse can be reversed. If this might be causing cognitive issues, speak with your older adult’s doctor about treatment options.

4. Vision or hearing problems When someone can’t see or hear well, their behavior can make it seem like they have dementia.

And if those problems are left untreated, they can become more and more isolated, which could actually cause cognitive impairment.

To prevent this problem, get regular eye exams and regularly ask your older adult’s doctor or an audiologist to screen for hearing issues.


5. Heart or lung conditions The brain gets oxygen and nutrients that are necessary for proper functioning from the heart and lungs.

When vascular (blood vessel) or lung disease interferes with the delivery of blood or oxygen to the brain, they can cause vascular dementia.

But these conditions can also affect alertness, memory, and executive function.

Getting proper treatment for heart or lung conditions sooner rather than later can help prevent or delay symptoms caused by lack of blood or oxygen to the brain.

6. Liver or kidney disease Diseases of the kidney or liver can cause toxic metabolic waste to build up in the blood.

This can cause problems with cognitive function. Talk with your older adult’s doctor if you suspect their liver or kidney disease is not being well managed.

7. Tumors Brain tumors, malignant or benign, can seem like dementia – especially with slow-growing tumors.

They can interfere with the brain’s functioning and also result in personality changes.

8. Cancer Different types of cancer can affect cognitive function by destroying brain tissue, increasing pressure inside the head, or producing chemicals that affect the brain.

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By DailyCaring Editorial Team Image: DentaBoost


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