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Pet Therapy at Ormond Manor

Ormond Manor

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

A huge THANK YOU to Becca Johnston for taking the time to share your beautiful dogs with our residents every Wednesday! We met Hazel and Duke's new family member - Buford, who Becca recently rescued from a shelter. Today was Buford's first outing as a therapy dog, and he won all our hearts! Pets bring great benefits to all of us—companionship, unconditional love, and fun. By their very nature, pets do not judge, and they are not critical. And for someone with dementia, those qualities make them a good companion. Their very presence can help reduce the effects of dementia—anxiety, agitation, irritability, depression, and loneliness. By their friendliness and non-threatening way, pets can help a dementia patient be more interactive, when sometimes they are not able to do so in social settings with other adults.

Pet therapy at ormand manor

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